Database Systems: Concepts, Languages and Architecturesfocuses on database management systems - complex software systems thatare at the core of current computer-based information systems. Thebook approaches the teaching of databases in a modular and progressivefashion. The whole book can be used for a full course (or pair ofcourses), but its first half can be profitably used for a shortercourse.Parts I and II are designed to expose students to the principles ofdata management and for teaching them how to master two main skills:how to query a database (and write software that involves databaseaccess) and how to design its schema structure. These are fundamentalaspects of designing and manipulating a database that are required inorder to make effective use of database technology.Parts III and IV are dedicated to advanced concepts, required formastering database technology. Part III describes database managementsystem architectures, using a modern approach based upon theidentification of the important concepts, algorithms, components andstandards. Part IV is devoted to the current trends, focusing onobject-oriented databases, active databases, data warehouses andweb-database interaction.Appendices present three popular database systems: Microsoft Access,IBM DB2, and Oracle.The book contains extensive examples and exercises.Who should read this text?Courses on databases are an integral part of all computer sciencecurricula as well as an important part of many other business,scientific and technical courses. This book serves as both anintroductory and a specialized course text on databases.This remains a rapidly-expanding area and Database Systems:Concepts, Languages and Architectures will also be of interest tosoftware engineers, programmers and users of information systems. Key featuresThe first half of the book contains the material covering an introductory course and the second half provides the material needed for a complete course on databases
The text covers object-oriented databases, active databases, data warehouses, web interfaces and other extensions to traditional databases
Emphasis is given to database design and to SQL
The book focuses on the technological aspects of a database management system
Many examples and exercises
Support material on the web (to be progressively added in the nextweeks)
About the authorsPaolo Atzeni and Riccardo Torlone areprofessors at Universita` RomaTre. Stefano Ceri is a professor atPolitecnico di Milanoand StefanoParaboschi is a professor atUniversita' di Bergamo. They all teachcourses on information systems and database technology and are activemembers of the database research community.
Distributed Databases Principles And Systems By Stefano Ceri.pdf
He has also working onauditing, compliance, and forensic analysis (9refereed + 1 unrefereed papers),DBMS micro-specialization (3 refereed papers), andergalics (the science of computing: 12 refereed + 6unrefereed papers), and has done work inmonitoring distributed systems (4 refereed + 1unrefereed paper + a dissertation),software development environments (7 refereed + 2unrefereed papers),scholarly publication (2 refereed and 12 unrefereed papers),and other topics (7 refereed + 12 unrefereed papers).
Christian S. Jensen and Richard T. Snodgrass (editors), "TemporalDatabase Entries for the Springer Encyclopedia of Database Systems,"TimeCenter TR-90, May 2008, 337+v pages(pdf). This technical report consists of81 entries from the Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Editors-in-chief: Liu, Ling; Özsu, M. Tamer, Springer, 2009.(Springer book + online access)The Encyclopedia is a multi-volume, comprehensive, and authoritative reference on databases, data management, and database systems, available in both print and online formats.
My research focuses broadly on data-oriented systems and the way they drive computing. This spans topics in database systems, distributed computing, data visualization, machine learning and programming languages.